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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

AYSO Area 3/T: Westchester, NY

Spring 2022 Clarifications

AYSO has National rules that are up to date here. There were few rules at the start of the season that were unclear. Please pass these along to your coaches and referees to provide clarity as to the rules.

1. Consistent with the US Soccer mandates on heading the ball, heading is banned for all division players 11U and below (12U and below for programs without single age divisions) in both practices and matches.

Heading for players in 14U is limited to a maximum of thirty (30) minutes per week with no more than 15-20 headers, per player. There is no restriction on heading in matches.

2. An indirect free kick will be awarded to the opposing team if a player in the above-stated divisions, deliberately touches the ball with his/her head during a match. The indirect free kick is to be taken from the place where the player touched the ball with his/her head with the following exceptions:

a. An indirect free kick awarded to the attacking team inside the opposing team’s goal area, must be taken on the goal area line which runs parallel to the goal line at the point nearest to where the player touched the ball with his/her head.

b. An indirect free kick awarded to the defending team in their own goal area may be taken from anywhere in that area.

3. Neither cautions nor send-offs shall be issued for persistent offenses or denying an obvious goal scoring opportunity related to the heading infractions

Local AYSO 3-T Clarity: 12U and below: No heading is allowed.


1. For 9U to 10U, the goalkeeper shall not punt, nor drop kick the ball.

2. An indirect kick will be awarded to the opposing team at the spot of the offense if a goalkeeper for 9U to 10U deliberately punts the ball during a match, except that an indirect free kick awarded to the attacking team inside the opposing team’s goal area must be taken on the goal area line which runs parallel to the goal line at the point nearest to where the goalkeeper punted the ball.

Local AYSO 3-T Clarity: 12U: Yes Punting. 10U and below: No punting.


1. The build-out line shall be placed across the field equidistant between the top of the penalty area and the halfway line.

2. The opposing team must move behind the build-out line for a goal kick or when the goalkeeper has possession.

3. The player taking the goal kick, does not have to wait for opposing players to move behind the build-out line to put the ball into play. The goal kick may be played to either side of the build-out line. The ball is in play after the ball is kicked and clearly moves, after which the opposing team may cross the build-out line. If an opponent crosses the build out line before the ball is in play and interferes with the goal kick, the kick is retaken.

4. The goal keeper in possession of the ball in their hands does not have to wait for the opposing players to move behind the build out line to release the ball. The ball may be released to either side of the build out line, after which the opposing team may cross the build out line. If an opponent crosses the build out line before the ball is released and interferes with play, an indirect free kick is awarded to the goal keepers team at the point where the opponent crossed the build out line.

5. The build-out line in the opponents half of the field shall be used as the line to determine offside. Players cannot be penalized for an offside offense between the halfway line and that build-out line.

Fall 2021 Rule Clarifications

  • Substitutions Clarification: There is no "quarter" water break however teams may perform a sideline substitution half way through each half. The referee will stop the game at an appropriate moment to allow subs but will not stop the clock. Thus Coaches must have subs ready to go or they will lose game clock time and potentially provide less playing time to their second quarter players than their first quarter players if their substition is extended. Again, this is not a water break, or halftime, it is a substitution break (though a sip of water does happen occasionally).
    • U10: 25 minute halves, ref should be looking for a stoppage to allow subs between 11-12 minute mark. Coaches should keep the changeover of players to about 2-3 minutes.
    • U12: 30 minute halves, ref should be looking for a stoppage to allow subs between the 13-14 minute mark. Coaches should keep the changeover of players to about 2-3 minutes.
    • U14 and U19: Shall utilize rolling subs as the game is longer and the match is full sided.
  • Blowouts Clarification: It is an excess of a six goal differential that defines a blowout. In other words, 5-0 is OK, 6-0 is OK (but is the limit), and 7-0 is a blowout and is unacceptable. Proper planning should be undertaken by the coaches to avoid a blowout. Reference Guidelines for Blowouts for more tips and information.


Area 3T Referee and Coaches Bulletin
Section 3, Area T

Fall 2017 (see PDF version here)

Field and Team Setup - National Guidelines

Age Game Length Width Goal Size Ball Size Half Length
6U 4v4 25-35 15-25 4 by 6 3 10 Mins
7U 4v4 25-35 15-25 4 by 6 3 10 Mins
8U 4v4 25-35 15-25 4 by 6 3 20 Mins
10U 7v7 60-65 35-45 6.5 by 18 4 25 Mins
12U 9v9 70-80 45-55 6.5 by 18 4 30 Mins
14U 11v11 100-130 50-100 8 by 24 5 35 Mins
19U 11v11 100-130 50-100 8 by 24 5 45 Mins

If a field is significantly outside these guidelines the coaches and referee should discuss any temporary modifications that could be made to bring the field closer to specification.  Player safety though is paramount and should be considered if using cones etc. to redefine the playing area.

There is no "quarter" break teams may perform a sideline substitution half way through each half. The referee will stop the game at an appropriate moment to allow subs.  Coaches must have subs ready to go. This is not a water break.

Safety and Equipment

  • Goals are appropriately secured, sandbags, weights etc.
  • Field is free of foreign objects.
  • Players all have shin guards/appropriate equipment and are wearing different colors
  • NO Jewelry
  • Take extra water breaks as needed if it is extremely hot.
  • Reminder there is no heading allowed until 14U. 
    • If a player in 10U or 12U deliberately heads a ball the result is an indirect free kick from the spot of the header.


We maintain a coaching sideline and a parents/fans sideline.
Only registered volunteers should be on the coaching sideline.
Coaches are responsible for the behavior of their fans, it is not the job of the referee. 

New Rules for Fall 2017

1)     No punting before 14U (i.e. in 10U and 12U games)
a.     Defined as goalkeeper kicking from hands
b.    Ok to drop to floor and then kick off ground once ball stops bouncing.
c.     If team punts correct action is indirect free kick on the goal area (6yd) line nearest where the punt was taken from.
Recommended for first week to give a re-do for the first offence.

2)     The Build out line
a.     AYSO Area 3T implementation different from national guidelines so do not follow online videos etc. Differences highlighted in bold.
b.    Line should be marked half way between penalty area and the halfway line. If no-line then mark using tall cones outside the touchline. 
c.     When the goalkeeper has possession of the ball either in hand, or on a goal kick, the opposition must be behind this line until  the ball is touched a second time.  Most of the time this means until a teammate touches the ball, however:
d.    If a goalkeeper drops the ball and starts dribbling, that action counts as a second touch and the opponent is free to cross the build out line.
e.     There is no penalty for a goalkeeper throwing over the build out line.
f.     Goalkeepers can play the ball out with opposition still inside the build out line, there is no penalty for this.
g.    Referees and coaches should encourage players to move behind build out line quickly whenever keeper has possession.
h.     Offside in 3T will be called as normal (opposing half), the Build Out line does not come into play.

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AYSO Area 3/T: Westchester, NY


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